​新年会 20
Mochi Pounding and Tea Ceremony
Celebrating 2020 with DrumCircle, sake, mochi-making, Japanese New Year calligraphy, games and tea ceremony. 
​Sunday, January 5th
12pm to 5pm
Admission: Free for Associate members*, $5 suggested donation for non-members
Tea Ceremony: $10 - $20 suggested donation (RSVP)
11:30am: Doors open
12pm - 1:30pm: Opening with complementary Sake, Mochi Pounding, DrumCircle (outside)
1pm - 4pm: Japanese Calligraphy* and Games (Sanctuary)
3pm & 4pm: Tea Ceremony** (Reservation highly recommended)
Traditional Soba noodle soup and mochi are available by STAR ticket/donation ticket. STAR tickets are available to purchase at the reception desk.
**Calligraphy: We will teach you how to write your New Year's resolution in Kanji, Chinese character.
***Japanese Tea Ceremonies: 3pm and 4pm Fee: $10-$20 suggested donation. Reservation highly recommended. Organic Matcha green tea (or non-caffeine mulberry tea) and traditional Japanese confections will be served in our peaceful tea room.
Volunteers wanted: 10:30am -2:30pm or 2:30pm- 6:30pm work shift. Free admission and lunch for volunteers. Please contact us if interested.
*Read more about our Associate Membership.